Using Mill Turning for Complex Components


Using Mill Turning for Complex Components

One of the biggest innovations of modern machining is CNC mill turning. Instead of multiple steps and machines, mill turning for complex components has revolutionized both speed and efficiency for any machine shop. Whether it’s one part for a prototype or OEM replacement parts, components with intricate cuts and features are made with incredible accuracy as needed.

Previously, this type of machining consisted of two different steps with two different machines, a milling machine and a turning machine. Modern technology has led to combining the two in one machine, known as Mill Turning Machining. The addition of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) speeds up the process further, makes it mostly hands-off for machinists, and greatly reduces the possibility of errors.

CNC Mill Turning Machines

These machines are run by software programs to fabricate different types of parts and manufactured goods. Machine shops that manufacture parts and goods use them in all stages of production, including:

  • Printing
  • Cutting
  • Fabricating and manipulating parts
  • Manufacturing goods from scratch

Because a human operator isn’t needed to manually control the tool’s operation, more accurate and consistent production is achieved. Mill turning for complex components is a faster, more efficient, and more accurate process from start to finish.

CNC machines work with pre-programmed command sequences from internal software, so manual control is mostly eliminated. Using machining language, called G-Code and M-Code, the machine has exact measurements for production to work from, including speed, location, coordination, and feed rate.

Using a single machine for multiple operations ensures better part consistency and reduces errors than transferring parts between two or more individual machines. While the process is mostly automated, machinists are still required to do a test run to ensure accuracy and safety. Following setup, the CNC machine operator does this check to ensure everything works correctly and prevents damage to the machine or part being made.

Making Complex Components

Components for aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and food and beverage industries require exact measurements and replication. Even the smallest mistakes can mean serious problems for the end user, including possible loss of life.

Combining two systems–milling and turning—is just one way that CNC mill turning improves the quality of complex components. Compared to traditional machining methods, CNC mill turning can also:

  • Enhance flexibility: Multi-axis capabilities (i.e., 4- or 5-axis machining) allow for machining parts from multiple angles without manual reorientation, increasing the range of complex features that can be produced
  • Optimize tool usage: Mill turning machines can utilize a wide range of cutting tools, allowing for efficient machining of various features and materials
  • Increase repeatability: The use of computer-controlled operations ensures consistent production of complex parts with tight tolerances

By combining these advantages, CNC mill turning significantly enhances the manufacturing process for complex machine parts, offering improved efficiency, accuracy, and capabilities compared to traditional machining methods.

CNC Mill Turning by Brown Industries

Ensuring high-quality end products is at the heart of everything we do at Brown Industries. We combine advanced technology, skilled craftsmanship, rigorous quality control, and a commitment to continuous improvement to deliver products that meet the highest standards of excellence. We offer  CNC Milling and other machine shop services to make the parts you need, when, and exactly as needed.

For more information or to discuss your project needs, please contact us at (816) 231-2454.

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